Is the exterior of your home marred by grime, stains, or mold? Let Window Genie of Spokane assist you in restoring its pristine appearance with our professional residential house washing services. Our highly trained and experienced technicians employ gentle cleaning techniques and high-quality products to eliminate dirt and stains safely and effectively from various surfaces, including stucco, brick, vinyl, and painted wood. Our solutions are both property-friendly and enhance your home’s curb appeal. Discover more about our residential house washing in Spokane, WA, and surrounding areas, and reach out to us today for a complimentary consultation.
Depend on Our Specialists for Safe & Effective House Washing

Why Not Attempt to Wash Your House Yourself?
While cleaning your house may seem like a simple task, it can be challenging and time-consuming, leading to expensive damages if not done correctly. Hiring a professional cleaner not only saves you time and effort but also ensures a safe and efficient job. Professional cleaners possess the necessary equipment and training to clean your house effectively without harming your property. They also have the expertise to choose the appropriate cleaning agents that can effectively eliminate dirt and grime while preserving your house’s exterior surface. Moreover, professionals are insured against any harm or accidents that may occur during the cleaning process. Overall, entrusting a professional cleaner to wash your house is a wise investment that guarantees proper and safe cleaning while saving you time and effort. Leave it to our professionals to power wash houses.
Save Money With Our Affordable Window Care Program for Your Home
At Window Genie of Spokane, we understand that home maintenance expenses can add up. That’s why we offer our cost-effective Window Care program designed to help you save money on your house cleaning needs. With our convenient repeat cleaning schedules, you can enjoy exclusive discounts tailored to your specific requirements. In addition, our Window Care customers benefit from priority scheduling and multiple service discounts. Trust us to provide affordable and top-quality home care solutions that meet your needs. If you’re searching for reliable house power washing near you, we’re here to assist you. Contact us today for a quote on our residential house washing services. Power washing houses are just one of our many specialties.

Window Genie: Your Exterior Cleaning Experts
Our commitment to customer satisfaction and professionalism is what sets us apart from the competition. You can feel safe knowing our team of service professionals are fully trained, insured, bonded, and drive custom-wrapped vehicles for easy identification.

Our Blog
An Expert’s Guide to Cleaning the Exterior of Your Home
6 Ways to Increase Your Home's Value
When to Hire Someone to Clean Your Gutters

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Window Genie provides opportunities to grow from an entry-level role into a lifelong career. With a strong emphasis on people, our franchise owners have been preferred employers since 1994.
Creating a culture of excellence is as important as maintaining and beautifying homes.
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